All consignors have access to their account online to view items, sales, balance, payouts and receipts.
Foster Outdoor is now accepting resale-worthy spring/summer outdoor gear and apparel on consignment! Help us stock and shape your outdoor store. Whether you have a gear closet, shed or basement, dig around and take a look. Bring us your gear and apparel that sits there unused. Maybe the kids grew out of it? Your gear could be the perfect item or size to get someone else interested in a lifetime of outdoor adventuring!

Consigning at Foster Outdoor also helps minimize our carbon footprint while creating a revenue stream for community members. Everybody wins! What’s in your gear closet?
Bring in your gear when you have a few minutes to spare, fill out our new consignor paperwork and within 24-72hrs, your account will be active and your gear will be processed and priced for re-sale on our sales floor. Foster Outdoor’s goal is to set pricing that benefits both the customer and consignor while promoting quick sell-through.
- Item price $1 - $300 = 50% consignor split
- Item Price $301 and up = 60% consignor split
We have 2 consignment seasons.
Spring/Summer consignment runs 3/1 - 9/30
Fall/Winter Consignment runs 9/5 - 2/29
Your unsold items may be discounted 10% after 30 days, 30% after 60 days and 50% after 90 days. If your item doesn’t sell by the end of the consignment period, the consignor can call to make arrangements to pick up the unsold items. Any items that have not been sold or claimed by the consignment end date become property of Foster Outdoor. These items will be heavily discounted or donated to local folks in need.
Payouts are made upon request. Consignors may use their balance as store credit or cash out.